Nội dung chương trình

08:00 AM - 09:00 AM

Đăng ký và dùng nước

09:00 AM - 09:10 AM

Opening Remarks

09:10 AM – 09:30 AM

Smart Government: Positioning Philippines at the forefront of Digital Innovation

  • Exploring the current landscape of digital transformation in the Philippines and its stand in the region.
  • The importance of partnerships (international and domestic) with the private sector to facilitate digital transformation in governance.
  • Optimizing communication between government and citizens with digital solutions, while pioneering new approaches to public engagement and feedback.

09:30 AM - 09:50 AM

Digital Destiny: How the Philippines is Shaping the Future with Technology and Innovative Breakthroughs

  • Public engagement and smart city management through digital service platforms and data-driven decision making.
  • Automating government processes and streamlining public services with emerging technologies.
  • Public-private partnership to promote equitable service delivery.

09:50 AM - 10:10 AM

Navigating Global Relations: Embracing Digital Transformation to Enhance Diplomacy, Policy, and Consular Services in the Philippines

  • Improving efficiency and impact of international aid and development programs through technology.
  • Citizen engagement with digital consular services, including online visa applications and emergency assistance.
  • Virtual meetings and other digital tools that can streamline foreign affairs processes, international relations and public diplomacy.

10:10 AM - 10:30 AM

Building Trust: Empowering governmental organizations in the age of AI

  • Responsible AI & generative AI solutions: can it help governments improve citizen experience, optimize operations, increase efficiency and build trust
  • Why is it crucial to maintain trust and transparency in any AI solution
  • Driving Innovation and policy making with AI-Generated Insights

10:30 AM - 10:50 AM

Innovative E-Government: How Blockchain, AI, IoT, and Fintech are Redefining Public Sector Efficiency

  • Refining citizen services through chatbots and predictive analytics for efficient resource management.
  • Use of blockchain technology to revolutionize transparency by securing digital records and implementing tamper-proof voting systems.
  • Driving smart city innovations with real-time monitoring and infrastructure management using IoT.

10:50 AM – 11:20 AM

Networking Break

11:20 AM – 11:50 AM

Panel Discussion

The transition to Government 5.0

  • Recognizing ‘digital’ as a key driver of transformation instead of merely a technical aspect.
  • Centering the development of processes, services, and policies around the needs and convenience of citizens.
  • Crafting policies and regulations that are user-friendly and adapted to the digital age.

11:50 AM - 12:10 PM

Strategic Compliance: Leveraging Technology to Advance GRC Solutions for Better Data Protection

  • Employing RegTech for automated compliance and real-time regulatory updates to enhance data protection and governance.
  • Driving strategic compliance and robust data protection through advanced cybersecurity measures, integrated GRC platforms and AI-driven risk assessments.
  • Advancing GRC solutions by deploying encryption technologies, secure cloud solutions and blockchain technology for transparency.

12:10 PM – 12:30 PM

Connected Governance: Integrating AI and IoT for Next-Gen E-Governance in the Philippines

  • Exploring the transformative impact of AI and IoT on Philippine governance, from intelligent analytics and automated services to advanced smart infrastructure.
  • Innovative applications of AI and IoT to envision a more connected and responsive government.
  • The complexities of adopting AI and IoT, including technical, privacy, and regulatory challenges, in achieving effective integration.

12:30 PM - 13:30 PM

Lunch Break

13:30 PM – 14:00 PM

Panel Discussion

Cybersecurity in the GenAI era: Assessing the Security Implications of Generative AI

  • Applying AI and machine learning to enhance threat detection and response.
  • Aligning with evolving data privacy regulations and standards amid the impact of generative AI on data handling and security.
  • Addressing cybersecurity challenges from deepfakes and AI powered phishing attacks that produce highly realistic fraudulent content.

14:20 PM - 14:40 PM

Smart Governance: Embracing Digital Solutions in National Defense

  • Integrating e-learning platforms, learning management systems and digital tools into the education system and digital infrastructure to facilitate digital training programs for educators.
  • Streamlining legal processes through advanced case management systems and electronic filing platforms.
  • Modern control & command systems and data analytics for strategic planning in defense; defense technologies using AI and IoT for enhanced situational awareness.
  • Bridging digital divides in remote areas to ensure overall equitable access and innovation.

14:40 PM - 15:00 PM

From Paper Trails to Digital Triumphs: Blockchain's Role in Modernizing Philippine Governance

  • The power of blockchain to modernize Philippine governance, offering a leap from outdated paper systems to streamlined, secure digital solutions.
  • Envisioning how digital transformation can optimize land management, public records, and election processes in the Philippines.
  • Navigating the complexities of blockchain adoption, including technical barriers, legal frameworks, and the crucial task of building broad-based support.

15:00 PM - 15:20 PM

Fortifying Trust: The Philippines' Fight Against Fake Digital IDs

  • Examining the growing prevalence of fake digital IDs in the Philippines and its broader global ramifications.
  • Exploring the Philippines’ legislative actions and enforcement strategies to combat digital ID fraud and protect its citizens.
  • Analyze innovative technologies and effective practices that enhance digital identity verification and prevent fraud.

15:20 PM - 15:40 PM

Fireside chat

Women in AI – with the leading women in Artificial Intelligence and other emerging technologies

  • Exploring how women are spearheading breakthroughs in AI, driving innovations from research to practical applications, and shaping the future of technology through their leadership and contributions.
  • Tackling challenges such as ethical AI, diversity and inclusion, and highlighting the initiatives and solutions women are taking to build more equitable and responsible AI systems.
  • Highlighting the future outlook for women in AI, from emerging trends and leadership roles to advancing innovation.

15:40 PM - 16:00 PM

Digital Currency Revolution: Integrating New Financial Technologies into E-Government Systems

  • Exploring Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) and integrating digital payment solutions.
  • Assessing the impact of financial technologies to ensure secure, efficient and inclusive digital financial systems.
  • Utilizing blockchain-based smart contracts to automate and secure e-government processes like procurement and compliance.

08:00 AM - 09:00 AM

Đăng ký và dùng nước

09:00 AM - 09:10 AM

Vision for the Future – Digital Transformation and Public Sector Evolution

  • Propelling Philippines towards Digital Governance 5.0.
  • Redefining public sector engagement as a citizen-centric vision for the Philippines.

09:10 AM - 09:30 AM

Smart Finance: Elevating Efficiency with Fintech and E-Governance

  • Leveraging fintech innovations (digital payments, blockchain, etc.) in transforming public sector
    transparency and efficiency.
  • Integrating digital identities (PhilSYS) and advanced data analytics to drive financial inclusion and improve
    e-governance platforms.
  • Enhancing public sector operations and resource management through automated tax systems and cross-
    border fintech collaborations.

09:30 AM – 09:50 AM

PhilSYS: Transforming service delivery in the Philippines

  • Ensuring unique identification to reduce fraud and promote transparency and service integrity.
  • Enhancing ‘ease of doing business’ for both public and private sector through digital and automated verification.
  • Accessing government services (financial, health, education, social protection, etc.) for all Filipinos.

09:50 AM - 10:10 AM

Driving E-Governance with modern data center and cloud solutions

  • Implementing flexible and scalable data center and cloud solutions to accommodate the growing demands
    of e-governance services.
  • Leveraging advanced measures and compliance frameworks in data center and cloud environments.
  • Exploring strategies for optimizing costs including virtualization, automation and efficient resource management.

10:10 AM - 10:30 AM

Government As A Platform: The Core Infrastructure of Shared Digital Systems

  • Identifying the right burning platforms, focusing on the right challenges and facilitating a unified government platform.
  • A shared digital infrastructure with transparency and accountability.
  • Improving the quality of citizen experience and reducing costs.

10:30 AM – 10:50 AM

Privacy in the Digital Age: Innovative Strategies for Secure E-Government

  • Augmenting security and user privacy in modern e-government systems through decentralized identities, multi-factor authentication and privacy-by-design principles.
  • Navigating privacy challenges and protecting personal data in contemporary digital environments using AI-driven risk assessments.
  • Revolutionizing data protection and ensuring compliance with GDPR and local regulations using advanced encryption and other privacy enhancing technologies.

10:50 AM – 11:20 AM

Networking Break

11:20 AM - 11:50 PM

Panel Discussion

Building Robust Cybersecurity Infrastructure for Government Systems

  • Mitigating Risks in a Rapidly Changing Cyber Threat Environment: Strategies for Government Resilience.
  • Securing Government Data: Innovative Incident Response and Recovery Tactics for Lasting Protection.
  • The significance of cross-agency collaboration, investment in training, and the adoption of future innovations

11:50 PM - 12:10 PM

Facing the Frontlines: Uncovering Digitalization’s Most Daunting Challenges

  • Navigating Legacy Systems: Integration Pitfalls
  • Skill Gaps: Bridging the Digital Knowledge Divide
  • Citizen Adaptation: Aligning Digital Tools with Public Needs

12:10 PM – 12:30 PM

Harnessing Digital Innovation for Sustainable Environmental Management

  • Importance of GIS and remote sensing tools for better environment monitoring.
  • Streamlining compliance tracking, environmental permitting and reporting.
  • Smart technologies for conservations including wildlife tracking and habitat monitoring.

12:30 PM - 13:30 PM

Lunch Break

13:30 PM – 14:00 PM

Panel Discussion

The Intersection of Digital Currency and Government Policy

  • Analyzing how the economic landscape and the regulatory ecosystem are shaping the digital currency.
  • Bridging the gap: Ensuring digital currencies effortlessly merge with today’s financial systems.
  • Global trends and innovations in digital currency and the adaptive policies that could drive regulatory and economic shifts.

14:00 PM – 14:20 PM

Fireside chat

Regenerative Finance (ReFi) and its Impact on Government Initiatives

  • Delving into ReFi’s focus on sustainability, equity, and the health of our interconnected systems.
  • Exploring how ReFi can attract private investment and support public projects, suggesting practical ways to integrate ReFi into government policies.
  • Identifying the challenges in implementing ReFi into existing government systems and potential solutions and strategies.

14:20 PM – 14:40 PM

Digital Fortification: Cybersecurity Innovations for E-Government Protection

  • Upgrading cybersecurity resilience through AI-driven threat detection and automated incident response systems.
  • Deploying zero-trust architecture and micro-segmentation to fortify government networks against internal and external cyber threats.
  • Importance of comprehensive cybersecurity training and advanced encryption in safeguarding government data and securing digital transactions.

14:40 PM - 15:00 PM

The Inclusivity Blueprint: Government Strategies for Unlocking Citizen Engagement and Empowering Communities

  • Converting citizen participation into actionable strategies that deliver measurable impact and drive meaningful change in our communities.
  • Enhancing civic awareness through the government’s effective educational outreach initiatives.
  • Citizen Input in Action: How Feedback Loops Refine Policy.

15:00 PM - 16:00 PM

Closing Remarks and Visit to Exhibition Lounge

*The above is a running agenda and is subject to change